Thursday, July 30, 2015

A Society Short ~ The Rise of the Phoenix by Mason Sabre

Check out Mason’s first foray into Urban Fantasy and one~click The Rise of the Phoenix, the first novella in the upcoming Society Series.

 A tale of a young boy, cast out by his family after a wolf’s bite infects him.....  No longer considered Human nor Purebred Other…..He must come to terms with the physical changes taking place within whilst trying to find a way to survive….


 “You left something behind,” his father said. He held out his clenched fist and unfurled his fingers. A broken and crushed rose lay there. He turned his hand over, letting the fragments fall to the floor, the crushed petals scattering in the darkness.
Thick hands cut his words off as they grabbed both sides of the boy’s jacket and yanked him from his seat. His feet dangled off the floor as his father brought him up with no effort at all until their faces were inches apart. The reek of whiskey and cigars pitted inside the boy’s nose and mouth, and he did everything he could not to show a reaction. He felt pressure in his groin as his bladder threatened to give way on him. His Wolf rose inside. The skin on his arms tingled and his eyes suddenly blurred. The hunger in his stoma churned with sickening emptiness.

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